August 15, 2020

What a strange month this has been so far…

First, I found out a few weeks ago that the man I used to be married to has been diagnosed with dementia. His wife left him, so my son and I have taken over seeing that he’s okay. On the surface it looks like he was abandoned, but I now know that the situation is far more complex. She and I have been conversing by phone and I realize she did everything she could to make him happy, and even called me before she left to find out if our son would “step up.” I didn’t realize at the time that she was going to leave. I’ve learned a lot about this disease, and the support that’s available. Except, during this ongoing pandemic, person-to-person contact isn’t possible. I got him hooked up with “Meals on Wheels,” and discovered that the food is left on the doorstep without the personal visit that used to be part of it. I’ve also arranged for him to have a weekly call from a volunteer with the local Senior Peer Outreach program.

I have done a ton of research on care facilities as well.

Then, I was left a voice message this past week, telling me that my temporary lay-off is now permanent. Seventeen years in my dream job just went “poof!” No one from the company has called me to say something like “Thank you for your hard work and creative input,” and “by the way, how are you doing?” I am hurting.

So, I have a lot of emotion (and time) to put into my own art now.

Stay tuned!