April 21, 2020

What day is it? Oh yeah, Tuesday…five weeks of “staying home, staying safe” causes incredible time warping. It has gotten hard to keep track of time. I would be lost without a calendar!

I went shopping this morning for a few essential items; bread, milk, COFFEE, etc. Between wearing that uncomfortable N-95 mask and social distancing, not to mention hurrying through the store, I feel exhausted every time I must shop! Not too often these days, thankfully ;-)

My painting is getting better all the time. I’ve rediscovered the joy of glazes. A glaze is, simply put, thinned paint that is watery enough to wipe on, then wipe away or blot the excess to the satisfactory level. Their transparent nature add so much depth and unify the whole. On my Art page, you can look at the painting “Planetary Assembly” to see what I mean. That one was the first of a glazed series that felt really successful. And it sold!

So, spring is here, the weather is improving, and people seem to be having a really hard time staying home. I can’t blame them. I’m so grateful that I have something to keep me busy and focused on what I love.

Think I’ll grab a cuppa and head up to my studio now…Stay home, stay safe!